Annual Meeting Notice
Carrollwood Village Phase III HOA Annual Membership Meeting Is
This is an election meeting, ballots were due by April 22, 2024.
(Pick 3 for a 3 year term)
Jack C. Crutchfield (Incumbent)
Jack currently serves as our President of the Phase III board. He leads the Executive committee and oversees all subcommittees. He also acts as the liaison to the Carrollwood Park Conservancy Board. He has overseen the updating of our Community Standards as well as worked on introducing a new color palette for the house colors within our Village.
Jack has lived in the Village for over 30 years. Jack is retired from the Marine Corps as a Lieutenant Colonel. He supervised over 400 Marines & 18 Officers at the Supply Distribution Point at Marine Headquarters. He organized and led the “Marine Corps Reserve Toys for Tots” drive in 1988. Jack is also a very active member in the Carrollwood Rotary Club. Jack has a Masters in Computers & Information Resources Mgt. from Webster University. He currently resides with his wife Susan in the Stonegate subdivision.
Potential Village Projects: Seek a County grant for a “special needs” playground as well as hire full time security to patrol and monitor vehicle traffic within the Village.
Jessica Magrill (Incumbent)
Jessica currently serves as a Director on the Phase III board, as well as serving as Secretary on the Chardonnay Board of Directors. She is a member of the Chardonnay Beautification committee and serves on the Phase III board Nominating Committee when not running for reelection.
Jessica has been in real estate for almost nine years and is currently working for Keller Williams as one of their top performing teams. Jessica is a Tampa native and a graduate of Florida State University with a Bachelor’s degree in Business Management. She also has a Master’s degree in Social Entrepreneurship from HULT International Business School. Jessica resides in the Chardonnay subdivision along with her husband.
Potential Village Projects: Community cleanup day once a year as well as pedestrian crosswalks. Safety is a big concern. Keeping the landscape beautiful with the planting of more trees and the replacement of our aging irrigation system.
Andrew Titen (Incumbent)
Andrew currently serves as the Secretary of the Phase III board. He leads the Giving committee which helps to solicit donation items such as Memorial benches or Memorial trees that you can see throughout the Village. He also leads our Finance/Budget committee. This year Andy, also worked on a special project to replace our aging tennis courts so we can retain our property values.
Andy has lived in the Village for 35 years. His most recent employment was with BISK Education where he served many roles including CFO, President/COO, CEO and then Senior Advisor to the Chairman. Among his accomplishments there he took the company from 50 to 900 employees. He has a BSBA in Accounting from UCF, a BS in Psychology from Tulane University is a certified CPA and a CGMA (chartered global management accountant). Andy resides with his wife in the Chattam subdivision.
Potential Village Projects: Replace the aging irrigation system as well as plant more oak trees with up lights to illuminate them at night.