Dale Mabry Wastewater Diversion Project

In Community News by R Drummond

Dale Mabry Wastewater Diversion Project

Part of the Northwest Hillsborough Wastewater Consolidation Program Public Utilities


What is the Dale Mabry Wastewater Diversion Project?

The Dale Mabry Wastewater Diversion Project is one component of the overall Northwest Hillsborough County Wastewater Consolidation Program, which involves installing new wastewater and reclaimed water transmission mains and retiring two aging wastewater treatment plants. Wastewater is now being transferred wastewater flows from the Dale Mabry plant to the Northwest Water Reclamation Facility, so the Dale Mabry Wastewater Plant can soon be decommissioned and demolished.

What is involved in demolition?

Demolition involves tearing down and removing the treatment basins and facilities at the site. Heavy equipment, such as hydraulic hammers, bulldozers, dump trucks and excavators, will be on site to demolish the structures, load the rubble and haul it away from the site. The site will be regraded (soil is moved to ensure a level base for future site activities) at completion.

When will demolition start and when will it be completed?

Some aspects of demolition have already begun. For example, ponds have already been filled. The remaining work will begin on or after Jan. 16, 2018 and will be completed in spring 2018.

During what hours will demolition take place?

Construction will generally take place on weekdays from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Will there be dust?

There will be some dust as concrete structures are torn down and removed, and the site is regraded. However, the contractor will take measures to control and minimize dust during demolition.

Will demolition be noisy?

Yes, the demolition process will produce some noise during certain construction activities, but will be within the limits of the County’s noise ordinance. Hydraulic hammers and crushers will be used to pulverize and recycle the concrete onsite. The contractor will monitor noise levels to ensure it is within acceptable limits at the property line.

Will there be vibration from the demolition?

Some vibration from the machinery may be felt near the site. The contractor will monitor vibration at the property line to ensure they are within acceptable levels.

Will there be odor as you decommission the wastewater plant?

As the plant is decommissioned there may be some odor for a short time while tanks are being disinfected. It is expected that disinfection periods will be about one week.

Will there be additional traffic associated with demolition?

Yes, there will be truck traffic to and from the plant to remove materials, and to bringing in fill dirt for filling below-grade tanks and structures as the site is renovated.

How will construction trucks and demolition equipment come into the Dale Mabry site?

The Dale Mabry site will be accessed from Delwood Road via 4 Oaks Road, Lowell Road and Casey Road. Residents along the designated truck routes will experience an increase in construction traffic. All heavy equipment operators will obey traffic laws and follow safety precautions for operating in a neighborhood. Residents can do their part by discouraging children from playing in the roadway during construction hours.

What facilities will remain at the Dale Mabry site?

The new pump station facilities, the existing reclaimed water tanks and the existing reclaimed pump station on the west side of the Dale Mabry site will remain. The remainder of the site will be re-purposed as a community park.

How will you keep the community informed?

Project information is available online at HCFLgov.net/WWC. You can also call Hillsborough County Customer Service at (813) 272-5275.

Dale Mabry Demolition FAQs 2 1.10.18